June 8, 2013

A New Post Feature for A New Decade

So here's the thing: I kinda like my life... okay, I love my life. It sounds like a rather "captain obvious" statement, but not everyone can say that. Most people at least dislike, if not hate, huge aspects of their lives. Some people hate their jobs, or where they live, or the amount of money they make, etc... Not me. I mean, I'm not trying to be coy here: of course there are things I would like to change. But for the most part, at this point in my life's story, I am ethereally content with where I am, what I do, and where I am going. And it has taken a while for me to get here. The first half of my twenties set me on the fast-track toward becoming an unfortunate social statistic, but as I've mentioned before, with a lot of help and a LOT of hard work, I've been able to right the ship of my past. I'm doing what I want to do, I'm living where and how I want to live, and I've become the type of person I've always wanted to be. And this is all happening eerily close to my 30th birthday.

Since blogging can, and often does, devolve into little more than chaotic rambling, I thought that it might be nice to introduce a new type of post to my blog that features my "favorite things." These will be intermittent "Top 10" lists, if you will, of various things that I have just come to love, and that I feel make my life and routine unique. And in doing this, I'm hoping maybe someone else might come to enjoy one or more of these things as much as I do. Stay tuned for the first of these posts very soon!

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